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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Performance Improvement in FetchXml Request


We will discuss the common issue that we usually face in our projects. We have slowness of the application, and most of the time, it's identified that we had a FetchXml request that we are using to sync with the Microsoft Dataverse.


When working on dynamic projects, we usually use an easy way to query and execute the FetchXml to get the results. For the construction of the FetchXml, we mostly used Advance Find, and also we can use the Xrm Toolbox for building a FetchXml.

The most common issue we faced was the slowness of the FetchXml query as we moved toward the complexity. There is a way that we can use to resolve this issue.

How to improve the slowness:

The traditional fetch will pull all the columns for the top table records given in the filter criteria. For example, we query to pull 500 records from the table containing 100 columns and 100000 approx. Rows that meet the filter criteria. This case will give us the following issues.

·         To return the result set of 500 records, it pulls almost 99500 rows with all columns and then returns 500 rows.

·         Optimizer for the query can generate an arbitrary order when using the child columns for the retravel but result in a data order we don't want to use.

We can use the LateMaterialize option in the FetchXml request to resolve the slowness issue. It will break the request into smaller, usable segments, improving the performance of long-executing FetchXml requests. The improvement mostly depends on the data distribution for each table and link table used.

After using the LateMaterialize, the created fetch will.

·         Only pulling the primary ID of the top number of records given in the query also fulfilling the filter criteria.

·         Retrieved on the needed data column based on the primary IDs given on the filter criteria. Like if six columns are needed in the given query. It will on retrieving them.

Example for using LateMaterialize in FetchXml:

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" latematerialize="true" mapping="logical" distinct="true">

                <entity name="[entity]">

                                <attribute name="[attribute]" />

                                <link-entity name="[entity]" from="[linked entity]" to="[linked entityid]" link-type="outer" alias="[alias]">

                                                <attribute name="[name of linked entity column]" />


                                <filter type=[filter type]>

                                                <condition attribute="[column]" operator="[operator]" value="[value]"/>





Above is the sample we can use to modify our FetchXml query to resolve the optimization issue.

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" latematerialize="true" mapping="logical" distinct="true">

                <entity name="account">​

                                <attribute name="accountnumber" />​

                                <attribute name="createdby" />​

                                <attribute name="ownerid" />​

                                <link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="parentaccountid" link-type="outer" alias="oaccount">​

                                                <attribute name="createdby" />

                                                <link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="accountid" link-type="outer" alias="oaccount1">​

                                                                <attribute name="createdby" />​

                                                                <attribute name="accountid" />​

                                                                <attribute name="name" />​



                                <link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="accountid" link-type="outer" alias="oaccount2"/>

                                <filter type='and'>​

                                                <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="2"/> ​





So, with the above FetchXml, we are almost retrieving the account hierarchy. As a developer, we know that if we use the self-referential relationship, it will affect the performance of the project badly. Still, by using LateMaterialize, we can resolve that issue.

LateMaterialize is the most beneficial.

·         Query where there are one or more linked conditions to other tables, and their columns are used for the data.

·         Query where there are tables that have many columns and logical columns.

I hope this will be helpful.



So, in this blog, we give you an option that can be utilized to resolve the performance-related issue faced while using FetchXml in the project.  

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